Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cash Flow Causes Student Stress

According to Ed Ewing and Rachel Jasper in “Cash flow not debt causes student stress, scientists told,” Adrian Scott, psychologist from University of Bath, showed the reports of his studying about student debt and stress. He asked 268 students about their size of their student loan and financial problems in their living. His result presented that the amount of money that they borrow did not make them worry or be serious. But the big problem was cash flow for living was not sufficient for their daily life. He suggested students should plan to use their money before going to university, and the teachers have to teach them how to manage money. Some universities have financial centers for consulting but students don’t pay attention to it. He also recommended that students separate two accounts for using and saving in order to save for their future.

Ewing, E. & Jasper, R. (2005, April 4). Cash flow not debt causes student
stress, scientist told. Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved on January 18, 2008, from,12728,1452001,00.html

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