Tuesday, January 29, 2008

College Students Screaming For Stress Relief

In “College students screaming for stress relief,” the author reported that one of the good ways to release students’ stress when they face the serious situations is to scream. They usually called this “primal scream”. It is popular among college and university students. This article also reported about other ways for students from different universities to relieve their stress. For example, at Santa Clara University, students stop studying and play with kids to relax. NYU students had a “midnight breakfast” with professors during exams. Finally, Dr.Kirk, President of Florida’s Saint Leo University, suggested that the period for counselling should be longer before exams. Then, students have more time to get counselling about their stress problems.

College students screaming for stress relief. (2007, December 12). The Associated Press. Retrieved on January 23, 2008, from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22219591/

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